Friday, February 26, 2010

The Nine Wonders of the Soul

The Nine Wonders of the Soul
Shamanic Journeys on the Living Medicine Wheel

Have you ever wondered what drives the human soul to greatness? What creates positive motion in our lives? Or what are the keys to manifestation and miracles?

In this weekend intensive we will explore the nine wonders of the soul that create motion and stabilize our life. From the beauty and innocence of the inner child to the powerful yet enlightened stance of the warrior, we discover how to heal ourselves, and how to effectively communicate our greatest desires. With these ancient and modern teachings we will move beyond fear and doubt to grace and confidence.

We are beginning a new decade, with the coming years pointing toward a very new world. To be able to sustain the energies and succeed in the coming times, it is crucial that we all build a consciousness that is solid, grounded and balanced. In this weekend intensive Leonard & Angelaya will take us through guided meditations, round dances, bundle making and shamanic journeys onto the Living Medicine Wheel. There through interaction, the wonders of the soul will come into play. The drumming and alignments with spirit will assist us into deep journeys within our own inner worlds. Through the grace of our spirit guides we will deepen our life experience into more fulfillment and happiness.

The Facilitators
Leonard is at the forefront of today’s modern Shamanic musical frontiers. For over 20 years he has been a trainer and facilitator as well as a cultural teacher and storyteller. Leonard brings the gift of Ancient song through the Cedar flute. He has a wonderful ability to assist with healings through intuitive card readings and soul retrieval that will stay with you for days afterwards.

Angelaya is a performing Shamanic Healer/Dancer. She brings with her many years of healing modalities including Reiki and Shamanism. With a compassionate heart, she brings a sense of beauty to all she encounters. Experience her energy work using the Flowers of Life Alignment for a delightful feeling of calm and introspection.

The Workshop Location
This weekend workshop will be held in the unique Yurt at Halfmoon Haven, which is a short drive from Sechelt on British Columbia’s beautiful Sunshine Coast. Enjoy relaxing near the sea, take in the spa or walk along the beach. Your senses will be filled and your soul will be nurtured! Those off the coast can stay in the comfortable Halfmoon Haven Bed & Breakfast and the residents of the Sunshine Coast can come for the workshop only. The price of the workshop includes all gourmet meals! Meet new friends or rekindle acquaintances made along your life path.

Workshop Dates and Times
May 28-30 arrival Friday night
Saturday 9am-5pm
Saturday world music night (bring an instrument or/and drum)
Sunday 9am-4pm

Workshop fees
$470 Off Coast includes accommodation and meals
$370 On Coast includes meals
Save $50 by registering before May 1, 2010

Door prize
Beautiful framed original pen & ink drawing of an Eagle with a value over $500
Private readings and healings available by appointment with Leonard or Angelaya

To register for the workshop or a private session call or email Vicky Forest:
